It was so enjoyable to live among the Fulani in Alhaji’s compound. To spend time with the children, and other family members.
Update on the Reserves
Nigeria Water Project Report
Our last two days in Garbagal have been very interesting and sweet.
We drill our last borehole today!
I had a terrible night!
So far in Garbagal, drilling has been a disaster!
Sitting under the trees on Garbagal reserve
Another day of drama in the Bobi grazing reserve!
Big drama today, at Kilishi Village!
It was a tumultuous night. As the drill began, so did a strong wind storm and finally rain. And as the heavy rain began to fall, to a background of thunder and lightning, so did WATER BEGIN TO SHOOT OUT OF THE GROUND! WE FOUND A HUGE AMOUNT OF WATER! People were dancing and shouting in the rain, as the drill continued to produce the water we’d looked for!