I had a terrible night! I was awakened by a sharp bite on my finger! Leaped off my mattress shouting, 'Oh Cr....!'. Searched frantically for what had bitten me, hoping desperately that it wasn't a snake or rat, but saw nothing. I lay back down, hiding fingers and toes under the sheets, trying to go back to sleep. Then, rustling sounds inside my pillow case! I nearly hit the roof in my effort to get away from that bed! Shook out my two pillow cases. Nothing! Lay back down.
Just as I was dozing off, rustling again and as my eyes flew open, a long, curved tail disappearing under my leg! I recognized that curved, golden tail - it was one of the dozens of lizards inhabiting this old building. Very relieved, knowing I was in no danger, but extremely irritated and not willing to share my fingers, toes or bed with this pesky creature, I shook out my sheets and pillow cases then dragged my mattress into the hallway where I slept peacefully for the rest of the night.
The day turned out far nicer than the night! We've installed the pump in the first borehole; the men are casting the cement pad and cattle trough now. A young calf wandered over and had the first drink of water from the well, then two Fulani women appeared through the shimmering heat, saw the pump and asked for water, which we gave them in abundance. Drilling of the second borehole is underway, albeit very, very slowly.
Danjuma and Emman went to Hadijia, a town nearby, and brought back two masons who have measured and pegged the foundation of the new school for Garbagal. The school will have an office and three classrooms, quite an improvement over the stack of planks that was called school before.
I've taken so many great pictures today! Too bad I can't send them! My favorite among pictures of children, the little calf that came to drink, me pumping water from the well...Is the picture of a Fulani man and his wife with their cart filled with firewood, pulled by a donkey with her foal. So sweet.