Phyllis visits more churches!

Phyllis is HOME in JANUARY, visiting Seattle-area churches!

Phyllis is home for the holidays, and got to spend some great time with family in December. In January, she will be visiting MANY Seattle-area churches. We would love to have you join us!

Please come to church with us, and stop by our table to say hello!

  • January 19th, Phyllis will be sharing at Northlake Christian Church in their 9:30am service, 19029 North Road Bothell, WA 98012. Join us after the service for a Meet & Greet, 11:15-12:15, upstairs in rooms 231/232. Watch LIVE HERE!

  • January 26th, Phyllis will be sharing at Warm Beach Church. She will share highlights for 15 minutes in both the 9:30am and 11:00am services. She will move to Soulcrafters Class at 9:45, to share more at length. Start at Soulcrafters at 9:30am (in the Wesley building), then join us for 2nd service, 20815 Marine Drive, Stanwood, WA 98292.



Enugu is the capital of Enugu State. There is currently an ICCM school there, run by Superintendent Reverend Mathias and his wife Nse. Also in Enugu is a wonderful Free Methodist Church, AND the Free Methodist Middle Belt Conference Headquarters. Reverend Mathias and Nse, a faithful Christian couple, have a very successful primary school. As their students got older, they tried to open a secondary school on the 2nd and 3rd floors of their building. Sadly, they were denied registration with the Nigerian government, because the primary and secondary schools are not allowed to be in the same building.

Instead, they began building the unfinished school below. They did their best, but ran out of money, and the project was canceled. NOW, the children are in desperate need of a GOOD, quality secondary school to continue their education! We hope to build a new secondary school for them in 2025. The cost is $80-100K, and we are waiting to see how the Lord will provide those funds! Our sweet Lord has continued to provide for our EVERY project, and for our EVERY need, we are certain this will be no different!

Enugu is in the middle of Nigeria, and the area is very safe. We hope to send a team of builders to Nigeria in September, to assist our Nigeria team in building! Wanna COME?

Here is what WE NEED:

  • A church to fund, partner with, and pray for this school

  • a team of builders to come over in September to build the school!

  • prayers for the existing ICCM school, and our wonderful leaders there

As the Lord pours Himself into Nigeria, it is an absolute delight to be His hands and feet there. We see the Lord moving mightily! God certainly doesn't NEED us, but He does INVITE us to join Him. Would you care to join us by supporting the work financially?



Phyllis is home for the holidays, and visiting Seattle-area churches!

Phyllis is HOME for the holidays, visiting Seattle-area churches!

Phyllis is home for the holidays, and got to spend some great time with family in December. In January, she will be visiting FOUR Seattle-area churches. We would love to have you join us! Please come to church with us, and stop by our table to say hello!

  • January 5th, Phyllis will be sharing at the Samaritan Sunday School Class at 11:00am, right after the 10:00am main service at Seattle First Free Methodist Church, 3200 3rd Ave. W. Seattle, WA 98119.

  • January 12th, Phyllis will be sharing at Shoreline Free Methodist Church, in their 9:45am service, 510 NE 175th St. Shoreline, WA 98155. Watch LIVE HERE!

  • January 19th, Phyllis will be sharing at Northlake Christian Church in their 9:30am service, 19029 North Road Bothell, WA 98012.

  • January 26th, Phyllis will be sharing at Warm Beach Church. She will share highlights for 15 minutes in both the 9:30am and 11:00am services. She will move to Soulcrafters Class at 9:45, to share more at length. Start at Soulcrafters at 9:30am (in the Wesley building), then join us for 2nd service, 20815 Marine Drive, Stanwood, WA 98292.


Butterfield Memorial Clinic is SAVING LIVES!

Dr. Godfrey recently sent us the BUTTERFIELD CLINIC 2024 ANNUAL REPORT! MAN - we are blessed! WOW. Thank you Jesus! This report made me (Carisa) cry! The clinic is serving several patients each day, and running smoothly. There are some examples of life-saving treatments below, and I am so pleased to get to share with all of you this awesome report. It is an easy way to see how SFA is making a difference in the lives of the Fulani people! Praise God! Butterfield Memorial Foundation has granted us the money to build AND EXPAND this clinic, as well as purchase medical supplies and lab equipment. Clearly, Phyllis named the clinic for them. What an incredible BLESSING Butterfield has been to Schools For Africa AND the Fulani in Nigeria.

A case report of severe malaria complicated by an acute abdomen

An acutely ill-looking 37-year-old man, conscious, and in painful distress presented with a 2-day history of intense and intermittent lower abdominal pains which according to him did not respond to tablets (Ibuprofen and Flagyl) taken since the onset of the pains. On the second day before his consultation, he developed nausea and had 3 episodes of vomiting. He had a medical history of intestinal amoebiasis treated with flagyl on several occasions and peptic ulcer disease which worsens whenever he eats maize, bread or takes ibucap. On clerking the patient, we noted that he had passed 3 days without toileting but emitted gases as usual. The abdomen was tender on a slight palpation. His heart and respiratory rates were unusually raised. Other parameters like the body temperature and blood pressure were within the normal ranges on arrival. No lab test was done. Spasmolytic (hyoscine IM and then IV), intravenous fluids (Dextrose saline), paracetamol and diclofenac injections were given. On stabilisation, he was given bisacodyl tab 10mg per OS. The following day, he developed a severe fever with a temperature of 39.7oC and another episode of vomiting. He was later diagnosed with complicated malaria in which artemether IM was given for 3 days. He was discharged after 3 days of hospitalization. Praise GOD! His life was saved!

A chronically malnourished woman presented with other differentials

A chronically ill-looking 28-year-old woman, 5 months post-partum, presented with severe malnutrition and pellagra characterized by cachexia, emaciation, diarrhea, and paleness. The patient being abandoned by her husband in the course of her ill status developed severe depression and confusion. On arrival, she was hyperthermic and tachycardic. She was diagnosed in adjunctive with gastroenteritis, UTI, severe malaria and moderate anaemia. The initial EUCr test elucidated electrolyte imbalance. The initial EUCr test elucidated electrolyte imbalance. Her PCV was 29%. She spent about 15 days in the clinic for the correction of her electrolyte disturbances and careful nutritional rehabilitation. Also, the associated differentials were managed with antibiotics, antimalarial drugs and hematinics. She was counseled on her daily diet. Praise GOD! Her life was saved!

As the Lord pours Himself into Nigeria, it is an absolute delight to be His hands and feet there. We see the Lord moving mightily! God certainly doesn't NEED us, but He does INVITE us to join Him. Would you care to join us by supporting the work financially?



Port Harcourt UPDATES, National Modeling, and our 2nd high school this year!

Port Harcourt UPDATE

You may have read that our dear friend Mogodi and his family were suddenly evicted from their homes. The land where Mogodi and his family have been living for so long was always land that belonged to the government. The Fulani were squatters, with permission of course, and our school was making use of an abandoned building at that place. The government apparently and suddenly has decided to use the land for military barracks, and so has evicted everyone and is tearing down the buildings, including the one we used for our school. 

Now, we are going to purchase our own land - land that will belong fully and forever to SFA. No one will be able to evict the Fulani from that land, as we will make it available to them in perpetuity, for living, farming, and grazing their cattle. The school we build there will belong to SFA - no one will be able to close it down.

We would greatly, greatly appreciate your help to buy the land needed, a piece measuring some 143 acres, in the outskirts of Port Harcourt. We would greatly appreciate help to build a small school there for the hundreds of Fulani children. SFA Manager Lawal is now in Port Harcourt with Mogodi, to see the land and meet its owner, and negotiate a good price. We are expecting the costs to reach $75-100K. Praise God, we have raised $23,603.43, with a couple of other promising donors hoping to help.

Unfortunately, Lawal emailed that the owners of the 143 acres are no longer willing to sell us that land, even at our best price. Why? Of course... because they don't want Fulani families living there. Such hatred towards the Fulani, I've never seen. Lawal told Mogodi to look for another place. They have nowhere to go. Mogodi is desperately searching for land for his family to settle on. Please pray for an immediate solution! Lord, help!

Pictured below is Phyllis with Mogodi, the very first Fulani man she met in Nigeria. He has been a champion and friend to our ministry!

National Modeling!?!

World Bank has advised Dr. Bolarin to focus all his efforts on building up Ero Mountain Grazing Reserve!

In case you didn't hear why World Bank is partnering with us, it stems back to a friendship with Dr. Femi Bolarin, then with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. We worked together setting up grazing reserves in Jigawa, Kaduna and Niger states.

Now Dr. Bolarin is Head of World Bank for Kogi State. He decided to come in as a partner and assist the work on the Ero Mountain ranch making it a model ranch and grazing reserve, and use it as national center for cattle registration and vaccination!

What World Bank is doing for SFA is AMAZING!! They've drilled a borehole, built and erected this fabulous water tank, plowed ANOTHER paddock and are planting MORE grass seed, AND are planning to set up a sprinkler system for the paddocks!!

Thank you Dr. Bolarin and Vet Mogauri (pictured above)! You are the BEST!!

THIS IS BIG! This could be the beginning of national modeling, our goal and purpose for the Fulani people!

Meanwhile, over on Bobi Grazing Reserve... We're making headway on the BIG 'Leaders of Tomorrow High School' project!

The looong perimeter fence! Still a long ways to go! The fence is costly, but very necessary to prevent encroachment. Also much needed for security!

Our borehole was dug, we found water, Praise God! It doesn't look like much yet, but soon a large water tank will benefit the school & surrounding community!

The first building will be what we call a 'bacha' - a storeroom for the cement and other building materials we keep on site. The bacha is taking shape!

Here's a mighty team! Left to right, Mason Bello, SFA Manager Lawal, Bobi Reserve Director Dr. David Tsado, Mason Wada and Carpenter Yahaya.

The government is still clearing our land, as maize and beans were planted here. It's ours - as soon as they are done harvesting. :)

Sariki Bello, Kiri Bauchi and Sarki Ahijo, Fulani leaders on the reserve. We had a wonderful meeting, together with leaders and staff, about the school.

Come Thou Fount Lyrics

Come Thou fount of every blessing

Tune my heart to sing Thy grace

Streams of mercy never ceasing

Call for songs of loudest praise

Teach me some melodious sonnet

Sung by flaming tongues above

Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it

Mount of Thy redeeming love

Here I raise my Ebenezer

Here by Thy great help I've come

And I hope by Thy good pleasure

Safely to arrive at home

Jesus sought me when a stranger

Wandering from the fold of God

He to rescue me from danger

Interposed His precious blood

(Precious blood)

Oh, that day when freed from sinning

I shall see Thy lovely face

Clothed then in blood washed linen

How I'll sing Thy sovereign grace

Come my Lord, no longer tarry

Take my ransomed soul away

Send Thine angels now to carry

Me to realms of endless days

Oh, to grace how great a debtor

Daily I'm constrained to be

Let Thy goodness like a fetter

Bind my wandering heart to Thee

Prone to wander, Lord I feel it

Prone to leave the God I love

Here's my heart, oh take and seal it

Seal it for Thy courts above

As the Lord pours Himself into Nigeria, it is an absolute delight to be His hands and feet there. We see the Lord moving mightily! God certainly doesn't NEED us, but He does INVITE us to join Him in the work He is doing all over the world. What a delightful blessing it is to work together for Him.



This Christmas season, please prayerfully consider giving to Schools For Africa. To learn more about how your gift impacts God's kingdom, reach out to SFA Secretary Carisa Haven, through email at You can give online with the buttons above, or mail a check to: Schools For Africa, c/o Don Standley, Treasurer, 1010 Silver Springs Way, Stanwood, WA 98292.

Thank you for your faithful support and prayers this year!

May you feel the presence of Jesus this Christmas season.

WOW! Praise Your Name, Jesus!

SO Thankful! Praise Your Name, Jesus!

From Phyllis: It's amazing... but I've never felt better in my life! And so, so blessed and happy! I'm just bubbling... God is showing Himself able and mighty, every single day! Every situation is just turning out right! Amazing God. What a privilege to be here in this country I love, with these people I love, doing the work that I love!

Thank you, Jesus!!

INCREDIBLE NEWS! Remember Pricipal Ojo and his wife Seun, fromFriends and Neighbors High School!?? They had a motorcycle accident last week, and are recovering well. He is going to plant a church at Friends and Neighbors High School, using the new canopy we're building as the sanctuary!!! Praise God! They just sent Phyllis a wonderful message!! Check it out below!

Good morning Ma, how are you doing today? I am recovering fast Ma and my wife is also fit to be at work tomorrow. I will also be at school tomorrow. The hand of the Lord is so strong on me. Can we start a Sunday Service at our new centre in the school by next week Sunday? The work will be finished then. I have the call of God for Salvation of souls and I would like to discuss this with you more when you are back. Thanks for all you do. 


As the Lord pours Himself into Nigeria, it is an absolute delight to be His hands and feet there. We see the Lord moving mightily, just like in the story above with Principal Ojo and Seun! God certainly doesn't NEED us, but He does INVITE us to join Him in the work He is doing all over the world. What a delightful blessing it is to work together for Him.

As we move rapidly towards the end of the year, would you prayerfully consider making a year-end gift to Schools For Africa to help continue this incredible work? Schools For Africa continues to grow through schools, healthcare clinics, and grazing reserves - ALL of these are making a huge impact for Christ and His Kingdom. With your support, we will be able to continue the work God has given us! For 2025, we are already prayerfully planning a school and healthcare clinic in Bauchi State, and a high school in Enugu State. May Christ be made known in Nigeria!

Principal Ojo and his wife Seun ride together on a moto every day to work. At this new place of work, Friends and Neighbors High School, the opportunity to share Christ has just exploded into regular Sunday morning church services! Praise God! The school, these jobs, and regular church services would not be possible without your support. We invite you to partner with us to bring schools, clinics, and grazing reserves to our beloved Fulani and other tribes in Nigeria. Most importantly, we invite you to help us bring CHRIST to our beloved Fulani and other tribes in Nigeria.

This Christmas season, please prayerfully consider giving to Schools For Africa. To learn more about how your gift impacts God's kingdom, reach out to SFA Secretary Carisa Haven, through email at You can give online with the buttons above, or mail a check to: Schools For Africa, c/o Don Standley, Treasurer, 1010 Silver Springs Way, Stanwood, WA 98292.

Thank you for your faithful support and prayers this year!

May you feel the presence of Jesus this Christmas season.

Remember our partners and friends at Wheelchairs For Nigeria? Pastor Ron Rice is on our SFA board. He and his wife Sharon had to cancel their annual October trip to Nigeria. It has become too dangerous. Ron's partner Ayuba is trying to schedule distributions in safer areas. Check out the AWESOME update below!


The President of Nigeria has appointed Ayuba Gufwan, head of Beautiful Gate Handicapped People Center and Ron's partner for 25 years, as the Executive Secretary of the National Commission on People with Disabilities. Ayuba will supervise 128 agency staff and represent the needs of 35 million disabled Nigerians before the federal government. It is an amazing honor and achievement for a polio survivor who didn't start 4th grade until he was 19, when his uncle built him a wheelchair, and with great effort graduated from the Law Faculty of the university of Jos. Ayuba has built Beautiful Gate into the largest wheelchair ministry by far in this huge country of 220 million.

Lord, BLESS Ayuba in this work!

Fulani Prayer Focus - Adamawa Fulani

In the 1800s, Modibo Adama, a scholar and Muslim holy warrior, led a jihad in what is now Cameroon and Nigeria, opening the region up to Fulani colonization. He continued his campaign, eventually conquering many villages and founding his own empire, which he named Adamawa after himself. His Fulani people established Islam as the religion in the region. New converts learned classical Arabic in order to study the Koran. There are also Fulani found in Cameroon, Chad, Gabon, Cape Verde and Sudan, that can trace their origins back to the Adamawa Fulani of Nigeria.

There are many "taboos" within the Fulani culture. For example, they are forbidden to call a first son or daughter by name. When in public, wives must stay at a distance, but are watched over by their husbands. Goat meat may not be eaten and beef is only eaten at formal ceremonies.

The Fulani traditionally remain both physically and psychologically distant from non-Fulani. They are very reserved and show no strong emotions. In fact, their only emotional ties appear to be with their herds. It is said that no one really knows what a Fulani is thinking. He is gentle yet shows disdain towards outsiders.

The Fulani are a proud people who teach their young children to have dignity. The Adamawa Fulani are expected to follow a code of high moral behavior known as Pulaaku. Pulaaku extols virtues such as kindness, bravery, patience, tolerance, perseverance, honesty, diligence, generosity and dignity. To be reserved is part of being dignified; thus, they are shy and modest in public. A mother does not show affection to her infant son. In fact, she never even calls her firstborn by his name all throughout his life.

In terms of spiritual beliefs, the Adamawa Fulani are almost entirely Sunni Muslim with many animistic beliefs blended in. They seek to control the spirit world through animal sacrifices and by wearing fetishes.

Prayer Points

·        Pray for the Lord to humble Adamawa Fulani leaders and lead them to humble devotion to Christ.

·        Pray for the Lord to intervene among the Adamawa Fulani in such a way that they will become open to accepting the lordship of Christ.

·        Pray for the Lord to provide for the Adamawa Fulani's livestock so well that they acknowledge his goodness and power.

·        Pray that God will call those who are willing to go to and share Christ with the Adamawa Fulani.

·        Ask the Lord to give Adamawa Fulani believers boldness to share Christ with their own people.

·        Pray that God will open the hearts of governmental leaders to the gospel.

·        Ask the Lord to raise up strong local churches among the Adamawa Fulani.

·        Pray for a disciple making movement among the Adamawa that will spread to other Fulani groups.

Shared with permission from

Happy Thanksgiving - We are SO THANKFUL!

Do you love stories?

Here's a wonderful story from Phyllis!!

We had conducted conference at Ikot Afanga and were on our way back to Uyo, when I asked Superintendent Odu if he could stop in Ekparakwa so I could snap a couple of photos of the location of my very first encounter with the people group known as the Fulani.

It was in front of this service station where I was standing, talking with one pastor, when a large herd of cows was herded past me by tall, beautiful men and women who, I was told, were 'dirty, dangerous, lived in the bush with their animals, couldn't speak our language and were Muslims'! And, I should stay away from them at all cost.

God hit my heart that day, and I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that these were the people for whom He had sent me to Nigeria.

So today, I asked Odu to stop and let me snap photos of this place that means so much to me. As I was taking the pictures, suddenly two of my Fulani 'children' ran right at me, hugging me, laughing, as amazed to see me as I was to see them, in that very place of our first encounter years ago! They grabbed me by the hand and ran me over to where others of my Fulani family were living, including Mogodi's brother!

It was such a sweet, completely unexpected encounter! I'm going to see them again tomorrow!

RIGHT HERE is the exact spot where I first laid my eyes on Fulani men and women! Praise God!

JOIN US in what God is doing in Nigeria!

Your monthly gift goes directly to Nigeria, to support the salaries of our WONDERFUL teachers and nurses! One-time gifts are also welcome!

Donate NOW!



1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Fulani Prayer Focus, Knowing Jesus As Savior

Written by a friend...

A few months ago, I travelled with a few African Christians to meet Fulani in a country with no known Gospel witness among the Fulani. We hoped to sit with them in their bush camps and spend some time sharing the Good News of Jesus.

However, a series of violent events prevented this. Even sitting together in the nearby town proved difficult. We were grateful that we were able to meet a few men in the market, get to know them a bit, and exchange contact information.

The evening before we were to leave that town, I was engulfed by the weighty realisation that countless of these dear people daily pass into unending darkness. They know the name of Jesus – but not what he did for them, for all of us.

Jesus himself feels this far more than any of us ever could. We believe that God ordered our steps, and we trust Him with the ultimate outcome of this trip.

Would you stop and pray for the millions of Fulani who have yet to hear?


Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel James Jwantu

Principal & Supervisor, Solid Rock Good Life Academy

My name is Mrs. Victoria Jwantu E.J. (Emmanuel James). I was born to the family of Chaplin Rev. and Mrs. Yohanna Chetden in 1974, from the Kerang Village of Mangu Local Government Area, Plateau State, Nigeria. I graduated with an upper credit in Information Technology from the University of Jos, Advanced Diploma. I am a researcher from the department of planning research and statistics.

I got married December 16, 2000 to Mr. Emmanuel James Jwantu. The union is blessed with four children. We also have a niece that we take care of - every responsibility including her education. My first son is Obed James Jwantu, a graduate of University of Jos Plateau State. My second child is a daughter, Chinplang Emmanuel James. She is a three hundred level student from Bokkos University, studying Economics. My third is Turret Emmanuel James Jwantu, a senior secondary student. My last child is Wisdom, a junior secondary school student. My niece also graduated from Bokkos University in Plateau State. She studied Micro Biology, while Obed, my firstborn, studied Criminology.

I am the supervisor of Solid Rock Good Life Academy, Kampala Jos. My husband, Mr. Emmanuel James Jwantu is the principal. He has lead many schools, including Federal Staff School Secretariat Jos, Sharon Rose School, Little Lamp etc,.

Generally, I love children and I have been teaching in Sunday School for more than thirty years, including AWANA Bible Club and Word Of Life Bible Club. I have held many positions in the church, including Sunday School Coordinator and Women's Fellowship Leader. I was supervising another school when I accepted to supervise at Solid Rock Good Life Academy.

WE ARE SO THANKFUL FOR MR. & MRS. E.J. JWANTU! May God continue to bless your family!


Leaders Of Tomorrow New International High School On Bobi Reserve?

This school was fully funded by some faithful supporters in Washington State! Thank you Lord! We start building the first week of November! Lawal and our building team will break ground, starting by building the perimeter wall around the property to secure it. Phyllis will definitely send lots of photos all through this time! Reverend John Raji will be holding interviews for teachers at the new high school, so that as soon as the school building is complete, we will open our doors for enrollment! We have an amazing and very capable staff who can do this even when Phyllis is not physically on site! Please be praying for the builders and the local community there!

JOIN US in what God is doing in Nigeria!

Your monthly gift goes directly to Nigeria, to support the salaries of our WONDERFUL teachers and nurses! One-time gifts are also welcome!

Donate NOW!


  • Pray for Fulani people to come to Jesus.

  • Pray for the continuing work of our 2nd high school this year! Pray for the safety of the builders. Pray for the hearts of the locals to be open to the school, and to Jesus!

  • Pray for Victoria and E.J. Jwantu, as they lead a whole SCHOOL full of beautiful children!

Introducing Principal Ojo and Headmistress Seun!

I, Mr. Olanrewaju Ojo was born to Dr. and Mrs. Ojo, a medical doctor and a nurse from Ekiti State on May 29th, 1984. We are of the Yoruba Tribe. I had my nursery, primary, secondary and tertiary educations in Ondo State and Ekiti State. Mrs. Oluwaseun (Seun) Ojo was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alade - both are teachers from Ondo State. She was born on October 21st, 1986, also of the Yoruba Tribe. She also had her nursery, primary, secondary and tertiary education in Ondo State and Ekiti State.

We were joined in Holy Matrimony at Saint Luke's Anglican Church Idi Agba Titun Akure, Ondo State on August 23rd, 2014. We are blessed with two boys, Testimony who is 8 years old and Goodness who is 6 years old.

We had our NYSC (National Youth Service Corps) in Rivers State and Oyo State 2011 & 2012. We later settled in Port Harcourt and worked at a private school - until I met SFA Director Phyllis Sortor. She was staying at a hotel just beside our church at Eleme. 

Phyllis hired me to work with Schools For Africa at Mogodi New Town Camp School from September 2018 till July 2021. I then requested a transfer to Ogun State SFA project at Imala. When my family and I moved to Imala, my wife Seun joined SFA as a teacher. We worked at Good Shepherd Nursery & Primary School, Peace Village Akala. We were living in a community called Ayetoro, several kilometers from Akala, because our children had classes in higher education there. We were riding a Moto to school daily. For the Glory of God, I served as headmaster and class teacher to our school. My wife also teaches the pupils along with other dedicated teachers at Peace village.

With the recent project of a new high school at Anigbado called Friends and Neighbors New International High School, I have been posted as the new principal there. My wife, Mrs. Seun, took over the leadership as headmistress at Good Shepherd Nursery and Primary School Akala.

Our mission work has been a great success among the Fulani, Tiv, Yoruba, Ori, Igede, and many others tribes. The parents and our pupils live in peace and unity in the various villages and communities. We are grateful to our sponsors and SFA Board for all their support, prayers and help. God has used you mightily and may He reward you all mightily as well. Amen

Yours in Service, Mr. and Mrs. Ojo

Dear friends,

           This very interesting article on the state of Christian missions today is a summary of a report that was prepared for the Fourth Lausanne Congress which just concluded in Seoul Korea. More than 5000 evangelicals from over 200 countries gathered to celebrate and strategize over evangelism. My dear friend and colleague at the University of Jos in Nigeria, Dr. Danny McCain, was a delegate. Click the link below to read more!

Ron Rice, SFA Board Member

Join us in what God is doing in Nigeria!

Your monthly gift goes directly to Nigeria, to support the salaries of our WONDERFUL teachers and nurses! One-time gifts are also welcome!

Donate NOW!


  • Pray for the new high school, Leaders of Tomorrow New International High School, as we begin the work near Bobi Grazing Reserve.

  • Pray for Principal Ojo and Headmistress Seun!

  • Pray for Christians to work economically to reach the unsaved around the world.

School Has Begun!

Schools bring children and families together, and build bridges to PEACE as they learn together, eat together, and play together! We are SO proud of the teachers who work tirelessly to bring a quality education to the children in our schools. Our schools provide one of the highest quality of education in Nigeria! Whenever possible, we share our Christian faith. We are proud of our schools, and we couldn't do it without YOU, our supporters and prayer partners. Thank you for joining us in bringing Christ and peace to Nigeria!

Would you join us in praying for the students and teachers pictured above? This is only a sample of the many schools we are overseeing! Pray for their hearts, their families, their futures - that they would be grounded in Christ Jesus! AMEN!


In the discourse surrounding terrorism in West Africa, a prevailing narrative attributes the majority of these acts to a specific ethnic or religious group. The Fulani are very often considered the perpetrators. However, it is crucial for Christians not to subscribe to this notion and recognize that terrorism and persecution stem from various sources. While Fulani are certainly involved at times, they are often singled out as scapegoats. This is a dangerously "easy" conclusion to draw.

Sometimes, mere affiliation with certain people groups implies complicity in terrorism, much like how association with Fulani can equate to being labeled as terrorists. These are complex issues, and prayer is needed.

Pray for:

  • those who have been victims of this violence, for healing and restoration of their homes and livelihoods

  • the perpetrators of this violence, that they would hear and be transformed by the Word of God, that their hearts would be softened and that they would turn to Christ

  • the most violent fighters, that they would encounter the Prince of Peace and choose to follow Him

  • Jesus' love, peace, and forgiveness to reverse the spread of terror across the region

  • that more Fulani would come to know Jesus Christ through the lives and testimonies of believers in this area.

From Epistle

Join us in what God is doing in Nigeria!

Your monthly gift goes directly to Nigeria, to support the salaries of our WONDERFUL teachers and nurses! One-time gifts are also welcome!

Donate NOW!

Send a NOTE to Missionary Phyllis Sortor!

Good morning friends and family, supporters, and donors! May the Lord richly bless you as you stay close to Him!

All is well with Schools For Africa and Missionary Phyllis Sortor. We are working hard on several projects, big and small, and the Lord continues to bless the work ABUNDANTLY!

I (Carisa) would like to request that you send in a note, a picture, and a prayer for Phyllis. She is very well, but the Lord has inspired ME to ask YOU if you would be His hands and feet to encourage Phyllis and lift her up this week. You can't imagine some of the difficult work she is doing - and though it brings her GREAT JOY to serve the Lord - my goal is to BLESS PHYLLIS THIS WEEK! Can you help? Click the EMAIL US button below, and send in an encouraging word. I will pass these on to Phyllis, and we will make her smile. :)

Join us in what God is doing in Nigeria!

Your monthly gift goes directly to Nigeria, to support the salaries of our WONDERFUL teachers and nurses! One-time gifts are also welcome!

Donate NOW!


  • Pray for the new high school, Leaders of Tomorrow New International High School, as we begin the work near Bobi Grazing Reserve.

  • Pray for the grazing reserve models to become the standard model throughout Nigeria!

  • Pray for the Fulani to see the love of Christ in our work.

A Map and List of our Projects

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A LOT of good news from Missionary Phyllis!

Good day, SFA friends and partners! 

It’s Monday morning here in Peace Village; everything is under control, (for once!) so I want to write and update you on all that’s happening over here! The first thing I’ll say is, GOD IS WORKING WONDERS, blessing our endeavors, giving health and peace, guiding and directing our work. Truly, things are going SO WELL, I sometimes have to just break out laughing, for the joy of it all!

The WAMCO milk-collecting project is ready to go! WAMCO partners have delivered milk jugs and will bring the big generator and A/C units any day now. We have the perfect person for WAMCO to train – Abubakar Muhammed. I hired Abubakar as a teacher, some time back, but although he had the necessary qualifications, it turns out he’s quite weak in the classroom. I have to jump to his defense: MANY teachers in this country ARE weak – and it’s not their fault! They themselves had very weak teachers, and if you don’t ‘have it’ how can you pass it along?! And the worst is, at the college level, you will NOT pass unless you PAY your teachers and examiners! Even if your grades are failing, if you pay your examiners, you will pass the course! It’s so bad. But that’s just the way it is here. 

So… I’ve asked Abubakar if I could transfer him to be our WAMCO man – the one WAMCO will train to receive the milk each morning from the herdsmen, measure it, test it, pour it into the refrigeration unit, record each milk intake and the money WAMCO is to pay. And he gladly agreed! Abubakar is perfect for the job, he speaks Fufulde and English, he already lives here at Peace Village, he already receives a good salary! So YAY! We’re ready to go!

I decided that we should invest in 5 new milk cows, so as to have an income from WAMCO as well! We presently have a herd of 29 cattle. Only 7 of these are milk cows, according to the herdsman, Aliyu. So, with the help of a long-time friend and donor, Mike Sparling, we’ll buy 5 more cows. Aliyu will do the milking each morning and we, SFA, will be part of those receiving pay for that milk. Also, it will set an example to other Fulani who maybe aren’t yet fully convinced of the project’s value. If WE can make a success of selling our cows’ milk, they can too! I've attached photos of the new calf just born to a happy mama cow in our herd! The herdsman, Aliyu, carried her to show me!!

At our new high school, Friends and Neighbors, we are collecting student intake forms for registration! Ubong, who has worked with me since we opened Hope Academy in Emiworo and who has been the trusted treasurer and bursar for Good Shepherd Primary here at Peace Village, has accepted to also be bursar for Friends and Neighbors High School as well. The two schools are only 7 kilometres apart; Ubong will set up a schedule and use the school motorcycle to go back and forth. Ubong is working hand in hand with the NEW Principal of the high school, Principal Ojo, preparing forms, teacher interview forms, schemes of work for both schools, etc., etc. 

So, who is this new Principal? Okay, let me explain. When they heard that we were opening a primary school in Ogun State, where the Yoruba people make up the main tribe, Teacher Ojo and his wife Seun, who were teaching at our SFA school in Rivers State, New Town Primary, wrote and asked if they, being Yoruba themselves, could transfer over here and teach at the primary school. I agreed, as both are university grads and did spectacular work at New Town. I asked Ojo to head up the Good Shepherd Primary – his wife Seun took the highest level class. Both proved themselves excellent teachers, going above and beyond the norm. 

When we built the NEW Friends and Neighbors High School, there was no hesitation on my part. I asked Ojo to be Prinicipal there, and asked his wife Seun to remain as the new Head Mistress at Good Shepherd Primary! They both agreed! Ojo and Seun live in a town called Ayetoro, about a half-hour drive to Anigbado, the location of the high school, another half-hour from Anigbado to Peace Village. We bought them a school motorcycle, which they’ve been using, along with another teacher from Ayetoro, to come to school each day. Now Seun and the other teacher will drop off Ojo at the high school and continue on down to Peace Village each day, then pick Ojo up again on the way home! Perfect plan! 

We’re interviewing prospective teachers soon. We need two replacements at Good Shepherd, replacements for Ojo and Abubakar, and at least two or three degree holders for the high school. We’re starting with one level at the high school, Junior Secondary 1, or JS 1, so we don’t need too many teachers there yet – well – depending on the enrollment. If we have more than 60 students enrolled, we’ll go with three degree holders as teachers. 

Wait until you hear about the reaction of the Imala Kabiyesi to the new high school and WAMCO project in his domain! The Kabiyesi sent me and the local chief an invitation to his palace; I had no idea what it was he wanted! When we entered the room, Kabiyesi motioned for me to sit next to him, then extended his hand. I took it. He proceeded to thank me profusely for the WAMCO project and for the new Friends and Neighbors High School, and asked that we make arrangements for him to come and commission both projects!! So great!!

All is well at our schools in Kogi, Plateau, Rivers, Ondo, Nassarawa and Niger! 

We’re building a third grinding shed, this one for the New Okigwe Fulani! They are so thrilled! And we thank the Edgewood Church for providing $5,000 for this project. The New Okigwe Fulani are especially welcoming this grinding project. Currently, they have to carry heavy loads of grain for miles, even crossing a river on foot, to reach the town where the grinding can take place. Having their own grinding shed right there in their village is like a miracle! They are so, so thankful! Thank you, Edgewood Church! 

Is that enough good news for you? Thank God. Praise God for His wonderful love and favor bestowed upon our work! Much love to you all! Phyllis 

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  • Pray for Manager Lawal Officer Emmanuel as they head to Niger, to work on repairs at the 7 schools on the Bobi reserve. 

  • Pray for our land on Bobi Grazing Reserve - restore it to us, Lord, so that we can build another high school there!

  • Pray for our beloved Fulani people, and all other tribes in Nigeria, too, for favor, health, safety, and a saving knowledge of Jesus.

It can be hard to fathom the challenge a Fulani faces in growing as a new believer. How would one grow as a new Christian in contexts where the Church is strong? By talking with other Christians? Identifying with fellow believers is risky, as declaring oneself as a believer can be very dangerous. Listening to Biblical teaching? Churches are often few and far between and local Christians may be doubtful or fearful of Fulani who claim to follow Jesus. Reading the Bible?  Only portions exist in their language, and many Fulani are illiterate. 

Not easy, but these brothers and sisters have at least one point in their favor. The living God is with them, abiding in them by His Holy Spirit. God is at work often in ways unseen to these believers.  

This underscores the value of praying for fellow disciples. Our Father knows their needs far better than we – or even they – do. Please pray for Fulani Christians who are at risk if they make their faith public. Pray for strength and grace to follow, even in isolation. 

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