Phyllis visits more churches!

Phyllis is HOME in JANUARY, visiting Seattle-area churches!

Phyllis is home for the holidays, and got to spend some great time with family in December. In January, she will be visiting MANY Seattle-area churches. We would love to have you join us!

Please come to church with us, and stop by our table to say hello!

  • January 19th, Phyllis will be sharing at Northlake Christian Church in their 9:30am service, 19029 North Road Bothell, WA 98012. Join us after the service for a Meet & Greet, 11:15-12:15, upstairs in rooms 231/232. Watch LIVE HERE!

  • January 26th, Phyllis will be sharing at Warm Beach Church. She will share highlights for 15 minutes in both the 9:30am and 11:00am services. She will move to Soulcrafters Class at 9:45, to share more at length. Start at Soulcrafters at 9:30am (in the Wesley building), then join us for 2nd service, 20815 Marine Drive, Stanwood, WA 98292.



Enugu is the capital of Enugu State. There is currently an ICCM school there, run by Superintendent Reverend Mathias and his wife Nse. Also in Enugu is a wonderful Free Methodist Church, AND the Free Methodist Middle Belt Conference Headquarters. Reverend Mathias and Nse, a faithful Christian couple, have a very successful primary school. As their students got older, they tried to open a secondary school on the 2nd and 3rd floors of their building. Sadly, they were denied registration with the Nigerian government, because the primary and secondary schools are not allowed to be in the same building.

Instead, they began building the unfinished school below. They did their best, but ran out of money, and the project was canceled. NOW, the children are in desperate need of a GOOD, quality secondary school to continue their education! We hope to build a new secondary school for them in 2025. The cost is $80-100K, and we are waiting to see how the Lord will provide those funds! Our sweet Lord has continued to provide for our EVERY project, and for our EVERY need, we are certain this will be no different!

Enugu is in the middle of Nigeria, and the area is very safe. We hope to send a team of builders to Nigeria in September, to assist our Nigeria team in building! Wanna COME?

Here is what WE NEED:

  • A church to fund, partner with, and pray for this school

  • a team of builders to come over in September to build the school!

  • prayers for the existing ICCM school, and our wonderful leaders there

As the Lord pours Himself into Nigeria, it is an absolute delight to be His hands and feet there. We see the Lord moving mightily! God certainly doesn't NEED us, but He does INVITE us to join Him. Would you care to join us by supporting the work financially?