Phyllis is home for the holidays, and visiting Seattle-area churches!

Phyllis is HOME for the holidays, visiting Seattle-area churches!

Phyllis is home for the holidays, and got to spend some great time with family in December. In January, she will be visiting FOUR Seattle-area churches. We would love to have you join us! Please come to church with us, and stop by our table to say hello!

  • January 5th, Phyllis will be sharing at the Samaritan Sunday School Class at 11:00am, right after the 10:00am main service at Seattle First Free Methodist Church, 3200 3rd Ave. W. Seattle, WA 98119.

  • January 12th, Phyllis will be sharing at Shoreline Free Methodist Church, in their 9:45am service, 510 NE 175th St. Shoreline, WA 98155. Watch LIVE HERE!

  • January 19th, Phyllis will be sharing at Northlake Christian Church in their 9:30am service, 19029 North Road Bothell, WA 98012.

  • January 26th, Phyllis will be sharing at Warm Beach Church. She will share highlights for 15 minutes in both the 9:30am and 11:00am services. She will move to Soulcrafters Class at 9:45, to share more at length. Start at Soulcrafters at 9:30am (in the Wesley building), then join us for 2nd service, 20815 Marine Drive, Stanwood, WA 98292.


Butterfield Memorial Clinic is SAVING LIVES!

Dr. Godfrey recently sent us the BUTTERFIELD CLINIC 2024 ANNUAL REPORT! MAN - we are blessed! WOW. Thank you Jesus! This report made me (Carisa) cry! The clinic is serving several patients each day, and running smoothly. There are some examples of life-saving treatments below, and I am so pleased to get to share with all of you this awesome report. It is an easy way to see how SFA is making a difference in the lives of the Fulani people! Praise God! Butterfield Memorial Foundation has granted us the money to build AND EXPAND this clinic, as well as purchase medical supplies and lab equipment. Clearly, Phyllis named the clinic for them. What an incredible BLESSING Butterfield has been to Schools For Africa AND the Fulani in Nigeria.

A case report of severe malaria complicated by an acute abdomen

An acutely ill-looking 37-year-old man, conscious, and in painful distress presented with a 2-day history of intense and intermittent lower abdominal pains which according to him did not respond to tablets (Ibuprofen and Flagyl) taken since the onset of the pains. On the second day before his consultation, he developed nausea and had 3 episodes of vomiting. He had a medical history of intestinal amoebiasis treated with flagyl on several occasions and peptic ulcer disease which worsens whenever he eats maize, bread or takes ibucap. On clerking the patient, we noted that he had passed 3 days without toileting but emitted gases as usual. The abdomen was tender on a slight palpation. His heart and respiratory rates were unusually raised. Other parameters like the body temperature and blood pressure were within the normal ranges on arrival. No lab test was done. Spasmolytic (hyoscine IM and then IV), intravenous fluids (Dextrose saline), paracetamol and diclofenac injections were given. On stabilisation, he was given bisacodyl tab 10mg per OS. The following day, he developed a severe fever with a temperature of 39.7oC and another episode of vomiting. He was later diagnosed with complicated malaria in which artemether IM was given for 3 days. He was discharged after 3 days of hospitalization. Praise GOD! His life was saved!

A chronically malnourished woman presented with other differentials

A chronically ill-looking 28-year-old woman, 5 months post-partum, presented with severe malnutrition and pellagra characterized by cachexia, emaciation, diarrhea, and paleness. The patient being abandoned by her husband in the course of her ill status developed severe depression and confusion. On arrival, she was hyperthermic and tachycardic. She was diagnosed in adjunctive with gastroenteritis, UTI, severe malaria and moderate anaemia. The initial EUCr test elucidated electrolyte imbalance. The initial EUCr test elucidated electrolyte imbalance. Her PCV was 29%. She spent about 15 days in the clinic for the correction of her electrolyte disturbances and careful nutritional rehabilitation. Also, the associated differentials were managed with antibiotics, antimalarial drugs and hematinics. She was counseled on her daily diet. Praise GOD! Her life was saved!

As the Lord pours Himself into Nigeria, it is an absolute delight to be His hands and feet there. We see the Lord moving mightily! God certainly doesn't NEED us, but He does INVITE us to join Him. Would you care to join us by supporting the work financially?