The Kidnapped Redemption Film
is now available to the public!
The Kidnapped Redemption Film is live on YouTube, and will soon begin generating revenue through ads. 60% of all money made goes directly to Schools For Africa! It had 653 views in 6 days, BEFORE we even shared that it was out!! Once we get to 2,000 views, advertisers will start purchasing ads on our video. How exciting!
The 48 minute film is linked below, feel free to share! Any who have Facebook, please share our Facebook post from Schools For Africa to your feed! Please help spread this film to all you know. Share it to all of your friends, your churches, your work, social media… Thanks!
Prayer Requests:
Pray for this film to spread Phyllis's encouraging story of faith in a powerful God!
Pray that the film brings new contacts and partners to Schools For Africa.
Pray for PEACE in Nigeria.