The Lord clearly impressed on Phyllis that she should build a church building for these beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. She prayed about it, and a donor came forward to fund the building! As Phyllis prepared to meet with the donor, she was really hoping for the opportunity to build a school for Fulani children there, as well. The Fulani people are especially HATED in Plateau State. Could a partnership be arranged there?
When she met with the donor, he asked, "What other needs might you have there?" AHA! JUST the opportunity she was hoping for! But would the church agree to partner with a school for Fulani children nearby? YES! They said they would! But would the Fulani in this area be open to the idea?
YES! They said they would!
The Peace ECWA Church building went up in just ONE MONTH! The people rejoiced! Another true answer to prayer are James and Victoria, strong Christian leaders and members of Peace Church. BOTH will be involved at the new school! James will be a teacher, and Victoria the school supervisor! WHAT an answer to prayer! WHAT a wonderful couple - they are open, joyful, charismatic, very warm and friendly towards the Fulani! Truly, we couldn't have asked for better people to manage this new school!
It's all God's doing, and it is MARVELOUS.
Missionary Phyllis told Ardo about meeting our friend, Mogodi, when she first came to Nigeria. Mogodi said, "My grandfather cheated my father. And my father cheated me in the same way. He gave me cattle and wives, but he wouldn't let me go to school." Ardo said that Mogodi's experience was exactly as his own. Phyllis told Ardo how, with Mogodi, Schools For Africa has opened many schools for Fulani children. Ardo said, "I will hold your hand, even as Mogodi holds your hand! We will do the same here in Plateau State!"
He said he would support our work, 100%.
Our current need is monthly giving for teacher/nurse salaries.
Could YOU help support
a teacher or a nurse for $50/month?
Click HERE to GIVE!
Our Kidnapped Redemption film is NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE on YouTube! It has had 1,245 views on YouTube in JUST 12 DAYS!! WOWSERS! If you haven't seen it yet, invite some friends over and share it with them! Send us pics of your FILM PARTY, and we'll post them on Facebook!
Can you share this film on Facebook or other social media platforms? We want to get Phyllis's incredibly encouraging story out to as many as possible!
View film HERE!
Prayer Requests:
Pray for our Kidnapped Redemption film to have GREAT impact, for God's glory and His kingdom.
Pray for the hearts of the people who live near our new school, The Solid Rock Nursery and Primary School, that they would be open to loving the Fulani there.
Pray that our schools would indeed build peace between Fulani shepherds and farmers!