This is a 14-day training of key community leaders, farmers and herdsmen from each of the three grazing sites, followed by two follow-up visits, to include the following factors critical to the project’s success:
- Effective community mobilization strategies that ensure empowerment and sustainability
- Ensure buy-in and support from leaders.
- Active participation of livestock owners.
- Commitment of the core group of community members to organize themselves and to work with the external organization.
- Support for program team in the community.
- The benefits and challenges of settled pastoralism
- How best to harness elements of pastoralism (extensive production, herd mobility and opportunistic management) within a confine environment/ area?
- Understand the whole chain of production (grass, crops, livestock, marketing)
- Ecological literacy (the needs of the grass plant, the needs of soil, water cycle etc)
- Training in land use planning and grazing planning
- Training of herders, discuss their roles, responsibilities, welfare and ensure community support.
- Low stress animal handling and herding
- Community enforcement of sacrificial corridors, and non-participant grazing areas.
- Grazing areas/ reserves governance (rules empowering core group members and traditional leadership)
- Availability and management of water for a large herd year round.
- Herd management (livestock health and production results).
- Prevention and treatment of diseases in the herd.
- Resources and management of over-night livestock care and facilities.