An encouraging note from Phyllis:
Greetings friends,
Recently I had the privilege to take Bishop Matt Whitehead on a visit to WATS – West Africa Theological Seminary – in Lagos. In the hallway of one of the buildings were several paintings, but one especially grabbed my attention. It was a depiction of the account in the Bible of faithful friends who had broken through the roof of a building where Jesus was teaching and lowered their crippled friend to Jesus, to be healed.
I began thinking of other instances in the Bible in which people brought friends to Jesus. The Samaritan woman, after hearing of the Living Water, went back to her town and brought her friends to Jesus. When Jesus called Andrew to follow him, Andrew first went and brought his brother Simon Peter to Jesus. A father brought his very ill son to Jesus for healing.
In Luke 18:15-16 I read about parents bringing their children to Jesus. "Then they also brought infants to Him that He might touch them, but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them, for of such is the Kingdom of God.”
These are real events from the scriptures in which men, women and children were saved, because their friends brought them to Jesus.
In Nigeria, in our schools and clinics ministering to children, men and women of ALL tribes, our primary purpose too, is to bring them to Jesus. Thank you for being a part of this most important ministry! Thank you so much. May God richly bless and keep you until we meet again.
Phyllis Sortor
Calm continues - Bobi Reserve is safe!
We thank God for His grace and mercy!
Everything is going well on Bobi Reserve! Teachers are teaching. Children are learning. Both healthcare clinics are open and nurses are treating patients.
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Prayer Requests:
Pray for continued peace on Bobi Reserve.
Pray for the developing milk collection project in Imala.
Pray for Schools For Africa, for wisdom in making decisions, and to steward this ministry well.