Our Kidnapped Redemption film is doing very well at film festivals! !

Did you hear that Pastor Mike Henry has produced a documentary about Phyllis, her kidnapping and her ministry?

The Kidnapped Redemption film is doing VERY WELL in film festivals! Gaining entrance into a festival is an accomplishment in itself, but our film has won several awards and recognitions!

This does extend our release date to YOU and the public, which is SO HARD! We KNOW that you are super excited to see it, and we are SUPER excited to release it to you!

We promise to keep you posted on the release. :)

Watch the official trailer below!

Producer Mike Henry has worked with missionary Phyllis Sortor in Nigeria on several occasions and knew that her story needed to be portrayed in a movie. "As my first time producing a film, I simply recruited smart, talented people to help. I am a retired pastor and missionary and now the author of adventure/spiritual thriller novels. I love a story of high risk when only divine intervention can bring the resolution. And Kidnapped Redemption is just that, a true-life story that will inspire courage and faith."

Click HERE to read more about the film.

The Kidnapped Redemption film was created to share Phyllis's story. Any proceeds from the film will go directly to Schools For Africa and the work God is doing there.

Give monthly to sustain what the Lord is doing for His beloved people in Nigeria!

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Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for favorable grant funding for new school projects.

  • Pray for Phyllis and the team as they travel dangerous roads throughout Nigeria.

  • Pray for the Kidnapped Redemption film to reach influential people at festivals, and for a widespread reach!

  • Pray for the Imala project development to move forward smoothly and quickly in God's timing. :)