The Mambila are listed among the world's unreached people groups. We have been invited to open schools for them and the Fulani there!
What an amazing opportunity!
Our longtime friend, M.M. (right), has moved his family to Mambila, built a house and put his children in school there. He is the one who invited Phyllis to Mambila! It is THIS friendship that the Lord has used MIGHTILY to create new opportunities for ministry in Mambila!
Phyllis was invited to a meeting of the FUDECO Association, the Fulbe Development and Cultural Organization. This group of highly motivated, educated Fulani men and women mentioned three ways SFA could work together with them in Mambila! We could help with their schools, provide boreholes, and train herdsmen in how to manage their animals as a business.
We hope to help!
There are over 50 schools in this area! EACH serving a minimum of 250 children! Can you imagine? None of the teachers have textbooks from which to teach. None of the children have supplies of any kind. WE CAN MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN THESE SCHOOLS, WITH THE SIMPLE PROVISION OF SUPPLIES AND TEXTBOOKS! We would like to donate school supplies and reading materials to each school. Phyllis will buy supplies and distribute them in September before schools resume.
Most of the school buildings on the Mambila Plateau that Phyllis saw were barely standing, NOT safe for children! In fact, one had recently collapsed, though thank God no one was hurt! We have asked for a grant to help repair the schools. The damaged schools that we’d like to repair are those where the parents have already contributed their own efforts. For example, the collapsed building was due to lack of proper cement blocks. Mud blocks were used by the parents, but they couldn’t hold up the roof. We’d like to help support and encourage these parents who have done their best for their children.
Lack of water is a big problem in this area. If God provides the funds, we would be so happy to drill boreholes at those school locations that are very far from water.
We would love your help to fund this project! (Click HERE to GIVE!)
We will also talk with our partners at Friesland Campina, the largest producers of milk products in the world, about working together on a milk collection center on the Mambila Plateau. This will help herdsman to better provide for their families!
This Fulani matriarch is 100 years old! She couldn't stay out in the bright light for long because the sun bothered her eyes. We finally got a good picture of her lovely face.
EVERYONE wanted a picture taken with Phyllis! These guys were so cute! They'd never seen a white person before!
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Prayer Requests:
Pray for the unreached people in Mambila, and for SFA opportunities to share the love of Christ!
Pray for funds to provide boreholes in Mambila, where water is greatly needed.
Pray for the Fulani herdsman and their partnership with Friesland Campina - that they would gain knowledge to better support and sustain their families.