US Embassy Security Alert!

Missionary Phyllis Sortor is heading back to Nigeria this week, and we've just been slapped in the face with the frightening realities and opposition that we face in Nigeria.

Nigeria Travel Advisory – Level 3: Reconsider Travel

The US Embassy sent out a security alert with the advice to reconsider travel to Nigeria due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and maritime crime. 

From Phyllis:

I'm forwarding this just received US Embassy security alert to you as a reminder that SFA truly needs your prayers as we return to full work mode this coming week. Friends, if you have any contacts who could help us with air travel, a helicopter or small plane, please consider the fact that air travel could not only save hundreds of hours of time, but could also save lives.

Very sincerely yours,

Phyllis Sortor

Director, Schools For Africa

Here's the short version, Nigeria Country Summary: 

Violent crime – such as armed robbery, assault, carjacking, kidnapping, hostage taking, banditry, and rape – is common throughout the country. Kidnappings for ransom occur frequently, often targeting dual national citizens who have returned to Nigeria for a visit, as well as U.S. citizens with perceived wealth. Kidnapping gangs have also stopped victims on interstate roads.

Terrorists continue plotting and carrying out attacks in Nigeria. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting shopping centers, malls, markets, hotels, places of worship, restaurants, bars, schools, government installations, transportation hubs, and other places where crowds gather. Terrorists are known to work with local gangs to expand their reach.

There is civil unrest and low-level armed militancy in parts of Southern Nigeria, especially in the Niger Delta region. Armed criminality, including kidnapping and maritime crime, is also pervasive in this region.

Violence can flare up between communities of farmers and herders in rural areas.

There is frequent maritime crime in the Gulf of Guinea.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in many areas of Nigeria due to security conditions.

Phyllis is leaving the safety of the United States on Monday, arriving in Nigeria Tuesday. The following week she will travel to pay salaries at our adopted, former ICCM schools. She has requested prayers for safety. In her words, a lot of people, families, and children depend on us. In the coming weeks, we're working in Abuja, Niger State and Emiworo, Kogi State, for God's glory. 

You may be asking yourself...


From Phyllis:

"UNESCO recently reported that there are 20 MILLION out-of-school children in Nigeria. We, in Schools for Africa, have the goal of TRIPLING the number of strong Christian schools we are managing in Nigeria."

We have a goal set out before us. We feel led by the Lord to love on Nigeria, and specifically the Fulani people, through schools, healthcare clinics, and grazing reserves.

We will follow the Lord, and see His will be done.

We're trusting God and determined, with His help, to use everything we have to lift high the wonderful Name of Jesus and bring HIS PEACE to Nigeria!

Could YOU help support the teacher's salaries, school maintenance, and book fees?

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for peace in Nigeria!

  • Pray for safety for Phyllis, who begins to travel home to Nigeria on Monday.

  • Pray for the SFA Nigeria team, as our ministries and responsibilities grow.

  • Pray for the Nigerian election in February. The election will have an impact on Phyllis, SFA work, the country and likely the world. 

If you're in the Seattle area, come see us! If you're not in the Seattle area, invite us for a visit! :)

Happy New Year!

Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?

We have some big hopes and dreams, too!

Great news! Phyllis is 'home for the holidays'!


We will be at Warm Beach Free Methodist Church January 1st, 2023! Phyllis will speak in the 9:30 am and 11:00 am services, and we will show the Kidnapped Redemption film in the evening, at 6:00 pm!

We will be at Seattle First Free Methodist Church on January 8th, 2023! Phyllis will speak briefly at the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services, and at a Sunday school class for an hour between services.

We would love to see each and every one of you! Please come and say hello!

We have some BIG hopes and dreams!

From Phyllis:

"UNESCO recently reported that there are 20 MILLION out-of-school children in Nigeria. We, in Schools for Africa, have the goal of TRIPLING the number of strong Christian schools we are managing in Nigeria."

We believe that educating Nigeria's young people is the beginning of raising up a nation! Education leads to good jobs, and opportunities for fathers to support their families. In a nation where economy is slow and jobs are scarce, education is necessary!

Education gives children a better understanding of the people and tribes around them, and helps them to build relationships with children from all backgrounds. In a nation with such turmoil and hatred, building this understanding is key to people living at peace together. This is especially true for the Fulani, who are hated unjustly and have long been misunderstood.

In OUR schools, education means that the children and their families get to learn about Jesus! Pastors are superintendents of our schools, and often church is held right in the school building, or very nearby. Pastors reach out to the families of our schools, love them, help them, and teach them about the love of our precious Jesus.

We're trusting God and determined, with His help, to use everything we have to educate as many children as we can, to lift high the wonderful Name of Jesus and bring HIS peace to Nigeria!

We have our goal set out before us. We feel led by the Lord to love on Nigeria, and specifically the Fulani people in this way. We will follow Him, and let His will be done.

We have requests for schools in many areas, but we need your help! Would you like to build a school? Would you like to sponsor a school? Would you like to stay in touch with a school, pray for the superintendent, the teachers and students?

Could YOU help support the teacher's salaries, school maintenance, and book fees?

One of the schools we hope to build very soon is Alhaji Jouro’s (pictured above) school, near Emi Woro, Kogi State. Alhaji Jouro is a Fulani chief who, from the very beginning, when we established Bright Hope Christian Academy in Emi Woro, has fully supported education for Fulani children. He himself has sons and daughters who are now graduates of our school! He lives deep in the bush, with Fulani settlements all around, and requests an extension primary school for the over 100 children living there. As we already have an extension school on the way to Jouro’s camp, Little Lambs Nursery School, with a wonderful teacher, Samuel Tassa, our plan is to build a small school in Jouro’s village (to remain permanently) and have Samuel divide his teaching to 3 days a week at Little Lambs, and 3 days at Jouro’s camp. When the children finish primary 3, they are bussed to BHCA campus to complete their education. 

Another school coming soon is the Imala North School. This school will be built on the 1600 acres north of Peace Village in Imala, in Ogun State. Pictured above is Peaceful Village in the small yellow circle, and Imala North circled in orange near the top of the photo. This land, with a high population of Fulani herdsmen, has been given to SFA for the rotational grazing project. It’s too far away for the children to come south to the Good Shepherd School in Peace Village, so another school will be built there. 

There are MANY other Imala North developments coming soon! We will begin to develop the 1,600 acres for improved grazing, business opportunities and education.

  1. The 1,600 acres given to Schools for Africa must be officially surveyed and registered.

  2. Roads into the site and a ferry boat must be made available.

  3. A cooperative will be formed with committed Fulani herdsmen.

  4. The acreage will then be divided into paddocks.

  5. Two boreholes with water tanks and drinking troughs will be provided for the cattle.

  6. Rotational grazing will commence.

  7. A partnership between the cooperative and the Friesland Campina Dairy Company will be established, with a milk collection center provided by Friesland Campina, who will purchase milk from the herdsmen.

And so God's work continues...

His grace and mercy are without end!

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for Phyllis, who is in the US for the holidays.

  • Pray for the SFA team holding down the fort in Nigeria.

  • Pray for our presentations at upcoming churches, that they would bring new partnerships in ministry!

Phyllis is home for the holidays!

Merry Christmas! We are SO thankful for you!

Great news! Phyllis is 'home for the holidays'!


We will be at Warm Beach Free Methodist Church January 1st, 2023! Phyllis will speak in the 9:30 am and 11:00 am services, and we will show the Kidnapped Redemption film in the evening, at 6:00 pm!

We will be at Seattle First Free Methodist Church on January 8th, 2023! Phyllis will speak briefly at the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services, and at a Sunday school class for an hour between services.

We would love to see each and every one of you! We will have tables set up with newsletters and Phyllis's books for sale.

Did you get this INCREDIBLE picture in the mail?

Wow. What a great picture of a truly GREAT lady! Praising God for the work He continues through Phyllis and our team!

God's kingdom is not limited!

When I, Carisa, started working with Schools For Africa over a year ago, I felt a weight and pressure to raise funds. What if I couldn't raise enough money? What could I DO??! Ha.

The Lord SO KINDLY spoke to me and said, "ALL of the treasures of the earth were created by Me and belong to Me. YOU do not have to raise funds for this ministry. I WILL PROVIDE what is needed."

And just like that, the pressure was off. I was instructed to "be about God's business" and leave the funds to Him.

AND WE DO! We trust the Lord wholeheartedly to do His work through Schools For Africa, and He has continued to make a way in the darkness for our beloved Fulani people!

There is more work to be done!

Kingdom work in Nigeria unfolds as fast as it is funded, and we PRAISE GOD for it! We laugh with delight and joy to see the Lord move through you, our supporters. Many thanks, as God uses your funds to bring precious beloveds to Himself!

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for Phyllis, who is in the US for the holidays.

  • Pray for the SFA team holding down the fort in Nigeria.

  • Pray for our presentations at upcoming churches, that they would bring new partnerships in ministry!

Learn more about Schools For Africa Director, Phyllis Sortor!

Find out how SFA shares about Jesus!

A story about the GOOD LIFE in Nigeria...

Visit Our Website!

Questions? Email us!

Salihu's Story and December GIVING!

Salihu's story...

Salihu is a polio survivor. Phyllis first met him in his camp in the Kogi State bush, where we were enrolling Fulani children to attend Hope Academy, Emiworo. Salihu was not in line for his picture. In fact, Phyllis caught him hiding in a little nearby hut, just peeking out of the door from time to time to watch his brothers and sisters pose for their pictures. When asked why he wasn't out getting his picture taken, he said, "I can't go to school. I can't walk." 

"You can go to school!" Phyllis answered, encouraging him to go outside for enrollment. With his parents' full support, Salihu started school, very quickly becoming popular with other students, teachers and visitors alike.  

Salihu began with us in nursery class. He is one of our star young students, now in his final year of teacher's college! He finished primary and secondary school at Hope Academy, Emiworo and in another few months will be a state certified teacher!

When asked if SFA would hire him, Phyllis replied, "MOST DEFINITELY!" After graduation from college, we at Schools for Africa intend to post him full-time as one of our teachers in a school for Fulani children. We are tremendously proud of him! He is a polio survivor, but he never let that get in the way of pursuing his goals!

Now a Fulani Christian, Salihu is an amazing young man, a preacher, a teacher, an advisor and friend to everyone he meets. There's a beauty and greatness in him that overshadows his inability to walk. And he loves and honors Jesus Christ, a fact that is known and approved by his father, Karimu! Pray for Karimu, and his WHOLE FAMILY, that they too will accept Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

This month, Phyllis delivered a new keke to Salihu! It's pronounced 'keh-keh'! All driving controls, except for the brakes, are done by the hands. We had a mechanic fix the brakes so they also could be applied by hand! Perfect for a young man with withered legs! Salihu received his first keke while in secondary school, a gift from his then ICCM sponsor, also a polio survivor! This new keke is also a gift from this same wonderful man!!

From Cherri, friend of Phyllis: "Salihu, we will be praying for the mental transition from college to studying your students and tailoring lessons to fit them."

From SFA board member Nelson: "I look forward to the day I can watch you absolutely inspire and excite students to excel in their studies!"

Please join us in praying for Salihu and his family!

In 2020, one of the young Fulani herdsmen at our grazing reserve training came over to Phyllis and said, "I am learning so much from you 'Christianity' people. I see how you treat us and how kind you are to us and one another. I ask myself, how can this be? How can I be more like you? I went to Salihu and talked to him for a long time. I asked Salihu if he learned about Christianity from his sponsor, and he said no, he learned it from the teachers and Christians at this school. I just want you to know, Reverend Phyllis, I am so happy with all of you and thank you so much for how you are treating us."

"Thank you for telling me this," Phyllis said to the young man. "Now, I want to tell YOU something! All of the love you are feeling from us is GOD'S love for you! God loves you, He has a plan for you, for good, a plan to help you and your family. I am praying that you will follow God and His ways, and learn much more about His plan for your life!"

In this way, all our prayers are being answered! Love is preaching loudly and clearly, and the message is getting through! Praise God!

Did you know that MANY non-profits like ours raise as much as 50% of their funding in December?? Wow!

December is a month to celebrate the birth of Jesus with giving and spreading joy. Please remember Schools For Africa as you give this month.

We are SO thankful for our partners in this ministry. It is YOU who are funding God's work in Nigeria, and we thank you!

Click HERE to give!

Can we mail you a Christmas card,

and quarterly updates?

Sign up to stay in touch!

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for Salihu, as he finishes college, and for his WHOLE FAMILY to come to Christ!

  • Pray for the Fulani/tribesmen crisis in Plateau State, and upcoming opportunities to build a school for Fulani children there, to bring the beginnings of peace.

  • Pray for continued opportunities for evangelism on the beautiful, mostly-unreached Mambila Plateau.

THANKFUL for what we've accomplished together!

Count your blessings, name them ONE by ONE!

Count your blessings, see what God has done!

COUNT your blessings, name them one by one.

Count your many blessings, see what God has done!

We are counting our blessings, and not just because of Thanksgiving. We are continuously ASTONISHED by God's GOODNESS! He is building His kingdom in Nigeria, and we are SO BLESSED to have a front row seat. Schools For Africa has been blessed to partner with God in many projects across Nigeria, where His name is lifted high, precious souls are coming to Christ, and believers are growing in Christ.

We made a list of the many places we've partnered with God in Nigeria. It is a precious document detailing MANY of the things that God has done! We're humbled, proud, blown away, and SO THANKFUL that God would use US and YOU to further His kingdom. Check out the list below!

1. Kaduna State: Kachia Grazing Reserve, 60 nomadic school supported by SFA

2. Niger State: Bobi Grazing Reserve, 7 SFA schools, 1 FM church

3. Nasarawa State: City of Refuge for converts from Islam, 2 SFA schools, 1 clinic, 1 FM church

4. Kogi State: Ero Mountain Grazing Reserve, 3 schools, 3 FM churches, 1 clinic

5. Ondo State: 1 school

6. Ogun State: Lafiya Grazing Reserve, 1 school, 2 clinics

7. Rivers State: 1 school, 1 FM church

8. Akwa Ibom State: 4 SFA schools, many FM churches

9. Taraba State: 60 nomadic schools (on the Mambila Plateau!) supported by SFA

Note: We have a close relationship w/ the Nigerian Free Methodist Church, in an effort to build God’s kingdom in Nigeria! SFA does not give monetary monthly support, but we often support churches through new construction and building repair, purchasing land, funding church repairs, etc.

Project List by State:

  • Kaduna State: Kachia Grazing Reserve, 60 nomadic schools

A. Kachia Grazing Reserve - We drilled several boreholes there, and repaired a dam. We taught rotational grazing there, and the project is still in use and operational. 

B. 60 nomadic schools - government run, barely functioning, SFA supports the schools through teacher training (twice, now  suspended due to insecurity), and school supplies

  • Niger State: Bobi Grazing Reserve, 7 SFA schools, 2 clinics, 1 FM church

A. Bobi Grazing Reserve - 76,889 acres, drilled 5 boreholes, repaired 2

B. 7 SFA schools - often plagued by bandits, total of 26 teachers, 416 students (down from 700!) as of 10/22, supervised by Superintendent Reverend John Raji, SFA Assistant Director, and his wife, Josephine, reading workshops taught here

1. Courtney Carleton Memorial Primary School - near Alhaji  Buba's compound, in Kilishi Village, 109 pupils and 6  teachers

2. Bailey Robinson Memorial Primary School - 15 pupils and 2  teachers, within Sariki Ahijo's domain, a fairly remote area  deep inside the reserve. Dam Erga is here.

3. Big Dam Primary School - 76 pupils and 7 teachers

4. Bobi #4 - 54 pupils and 2 teachers

5. River of Life Nursery and Primary School - 62 pupils and 4 teachers

6. Bobi #6 - 33 pupils and 1 teacher

7. Bobi #7 - 67 pupils and 4 teachers

C. 2 Clinics - One is halfway between Sariki Bello's compound and the main road, where there is a working borehole w/ solar pump and electricity. Two Sisters Maternity clinic - small office, exam, labor and delivery, recovery rooms, in memory of Sariki's daughters, water funded by Brenda Mason Young @ Cornerstone Church in Akron, Ohio. Incorporated into the state's healthcare system! 13 women successfully completed training to become CHEWS,(Community Health Extension Workers) 10 more will continue to study. Rev. John, Hauwa, and Faith oversee CHEWS. The community health program is a great success, and has received high praise from the community.

D. FM church

  • Nasarawa State: City of Refuge, 2 SFA schools, 1 clinic, and 1 FM church

A. City of Refuge - 7 rooms next to the church, for converts from Islam, to find safety, converts receive a christian education and a new career

B. 2 SFA schools

1. Apiawe Primary School - located next door to City of Refuge, has over 100 Fulani children registered! Pastor Joseph and Pastor Abednego, both FM pastors, teach and oversee the Apiawe Primary School. They have enrolled nearly 80 NEW Fulani children this past year, through their visits with parents in the local communities. Total of 189 students 

2. Apiawoyi Secondary School - completed build 10/22

C. Bowmans Creek New Life Clinic - completed 10/22

D. City of Refuge FMC - pastored by Pastor Joseph, Pastor Abdullahi, and Pastor Abednego

  • Kogi State: Ero Mountain Grazing Reserve, 3 schools, 1 clinic, 3 FM churches

A. Ero Mountain Grazing Reserve - in Afad, a small community 15 minutes from Emi Woro, the first teaching rotational grazing reserve in Nigeria! 2,500 acres, Pastor Wisdom manages, 2 boreholes, mainly level, very fertile, rivers and streams, w/ hundreds of additional undeveloped hectares available for purchase.

B. 3 SFA schools

1. NewPointe Primary - on Ero Mountain Reserve, Pastor  Wisdom, Assistant Superintendent of the Northern Nigeria  Annual Conference, and wife Victoria teach and oversee the children, over 150 Fulani and farmer's children in attendance. Over 50 are bussed in from a distant  mountainside.

2. Bright Hope Christian Academy (aka Hope Academy) - Emi Woro, the first school Phyllis opened with ICCM, 433 children, after ICCM left, the school was handed over to John Raji, who has handed over the management of the school to SFA! John,  Josephine and Phyllis opened the school back in 2008, and have worked together ever since. Total monthly salary at this school is $1,500, to cover expenses at the school, such as drugs for the clinic, fuel for the school bus etc. There are nine classes in operation and ten teaching staff, and one Youth  Corps member who is teaching.

3. Little Lambs Nursery School - an extension school on the  way to Jouro’s camp, w/ a wonderful teacher, Samuel Tassa.  When the children finish primary 3, they are bussed to BHCA  campus to complete their education.

C. 3 FM churches

D. 1 clinic 

  • Ondo State: 1 school

A. Bright Hope Christian Academy - Etiose, Rev. John Raji is Superintendent, 88 students, 5 teachers, $291.43 monthly

  • Ogun State: Lafiya Grazing Reserve, 1 school, 2 clinics

A. Lafiya Grazing Reserve - We have 400 acres where we are demonstrating rotational grazing, and 1600 acres farther up the river for grazing reserves.

B. The Good Shepherd Nursery Primary - Peace Village, on our 400 acres, has 200 students, Fulani, Yoruba and Hausa students, all learning together. Head Teacher Mr. Ojo and wife Seun are both of the Yoruba tribe, the predominant tribe in this area, and speak the language of the Imala people. They are teaching  and managing the new school very well. Mr. and Mrs. Ojo and Seun are strong Christians, as is the third teacher, Miss Kemi. A fourth helper, Aishat, is a Muslim woman.

C. 2 clinics in Imala - trained 20 Fulani women as CHEWS (Community Health Extension Workers)! The two clinics are connected and will be registered together with the government.  Two nurses will be hired and medicines purchased, all further expenses will be shared 50/50 with Christian Development Foundation, an organization directed by Dr. James Rose.

1. Butterfield Memorial Clinic - located at the school in Peace Village

2. Imala Town Clinic 

  • Rivers State: 1 school, 1 FM church

A. New Town Primary School - the supervisor is Mrs. Itoro Idongesit Micah. She and her husband have successfully managed an ICCM school in Port Harcourt for many years. 100 children and 4 teachers, 3 classes in an abandoned building, and a strong parent-teacher association made up of Fulani leaders. This school is located in one of the estate's abandoned buildings. We've been given permission by the estate agent to use it. It's rough, and the teachers have asked to relocate the school into town, but we won't do so, as we'd lose our Fulani children.

B. FM church

  • Akwa Ibom State: 4 SFA schools, MANY FM churches

A. 4 SFA schools, all former ICCM schools

1. Bright Hope Christian Academy - Ikot Ntuk, Supt. Odu, 238 students, 23 teaching staff, staff salaries $1,000 monthly

2. Bright Hope Christian Academy Esa Ekpo - Supt. Rev Odu Nkanang, 216 students, 20 teachers, $920.04 monthly

3. Bright Hope Christian Academy Udung Uko - Supt. Rev Odu  Nkanang, 380 students, 35 teachers, $1041.67 monthly, near the Jesus Bridge

4. Bright Hope Christian Academy Ikot Obonama - Supt. Rev. Odu Nkanang, 182 students, 12 teachers, $674.37 monthly

B. MANY FM churches

  • Taraba State: 60 nomadic schools on the Mambila Plateau, we are supporting with school supplies. This is an incredible opportunity for witness, as this place is listed as ‘unreached’! The Mambila people asked for three things in our first meeting: help with their schools, provision of boreholes, (water is a big problem) and training for cattle rearers in how to manage their animals as a business. Most of the buildings are barely standing, in fact, one had recently collapsed. With so many schools, SFA would like to donate school supplies and reading materials to each school. We would also come early next year and hold a reading workshop for the teachers. If possible, if God provides the funds, we may drill boreholes at those school locations very far from water. We will talk with Friesland Campina about working together on a milk collection center on the Plateau. We can't do this alone; but with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!

This extensive work will continue, with God's special grace! Schools For Africa continues to build a team of Nigerians to work with us. We are a listed NGO in Nigeria, and our goal is to be sustainable in our current work, with an eye towards the future!

We continue to receive requests for schools and clinics. Just this week a report came in from the Kachia Reserve regarding their government schools.

There are 28 teachers for 10,000 pupils.


Seeking Monthly Givers!

We have a big goal. 

We need to increase monthly giving by $6,000/mth to cover the 8 new schools we took on in June! We receive many BIG financial gifts throughout the year, which enable us to take on new projects - new schools, clinics, and grazing reserves! Praise GOD! Recurring monthly gifts help us to rely on a secure monthly income, so that we KNOW that we can cover our expenses, 

before we move on to more projects.



**God is MOVING! He is meeting our needs!**

Give monthly to sustain what the Lord is doing for His beloved people in Nigeria!


Give $35 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $50 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $100 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $125 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $150 monthlyDOUBLED

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for the grand opening celebration at Peace Village, Imala, Ogun State.

  • Pray for the Lord to lead our efforts with the MANY nomadic schools in Tarawa and Kaduna states.

  • Pray for uprisings to cease so that our work can continue in Kogi State.

Polio NO LONGER endemic in Nigeria! Praise God!

Since 1988, the incidence of polio has been reduced by more than 99 percent, according to the World Health Organization. At that time, more than 350,000 children were paralyzed every year, in more than 125 endemic countries.

WHAT IS POLIO? Click HERE to find out...

In Nigeria, there are over 11 MILLION polio survivors. Nigeria has the MOST polio survivors of any country in the world! The virus has now been eradicated; there've been no NEW victims in Nigeria for 6 years, thank God! Today, polio is endemic in only two of the world's countries: Afghanistan and Pakistan. Even in these locations, aggressive vaccination efforts have dropped the number of cases to a handful a year. To learn more, click HERE to read about Nigeria's journey to ZERO new polio cases in 2020.

There have been ZERO new polio cases in the United States since 1979, until a New Yorker was recently diagnosed. An unvaccinated young adult experienced severe symptoms, including paralysis, and was hospitalized. Read more about New York's state of emergency HERE.

We are SO PROUD of Schools For Africa board member, Dr. Ronald Rice, who founded Wheelchairs For Nigeria. They manufacture wheelchairs in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. There are many employees here who are polio survivors. In October, Dr. Rice and his team distributed 700 wheelchairs to people with disabilities throughout Nigeria! Missionary Phyllis Sortor traveled with Dr. Rice, distributing wheelchairs in SEVEN different locations. You can read an update letter from Dr. Rice HERE.

See MORE incredible pictures from wheelchair distributions

at the bottom of this email!

Seeking Monthly Givers!

We have a big goal. 

We need to increase monthly giving by $6,000/mth to cover the 8 new schools we took on in June! We receive many BIG financial gifts throughout the year, which enable us to take on new projects - new schools, clinics, and grazing reserves! Praise GOD! Recurring monthly gifts help us to rely on a secure monthly income, so that we KNOW that we can cover our expenses, 

before we move on to more projects.



**God is MOVING! He is meeting our needs!**

NEW monthly donations total $1,905.18 monthly

since June! WOOP WOOP!

THANK YOU for your NEW monthly gifts:

Sandy / R. and R.

Give monthly to sustain what the Lord is doing for His beloved people in Nigeria!


Give $35 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $50 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $100 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $125 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $150 monthlyDOUBLED

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for the flooding in Nigeria, and our friends affected by the damage.

  • Pray for Bishop Whitehead, Phyllis and team, as they finish up the annual conference tour.

  • Pray for the 20 MILLION out-of-school children in Nigeria. SFA's goal is to TRIPLE the number of schools we manage, to help meet this need.

Are School Uniforms Worth The Expense?

Research shows that when schools implement a uniform policy like we have, it improves grades and reduces tardiness. Those are great reasons, but here are a few more reasons for uniforms that we REALLY LOVE:

School uniforms downplay differences between shepherds and farmers. Uniforms can hide economic differences between students and tribes, that would otherwise be more apparent. When all students are dressed alike, competition between students over clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive clothes can be eliminated. Research found that 83% of teachers thought a good school uniform could prevent bullying based on appearance or economic background. Students build relationships, and we begin to repair the damage done by the rampant ANTI-Fulani sentiment throughout Nigeria. 

School uniforms can instill a feeling of community among students and parents. Uniforms put all kids on the same playing field in terms of their appearance. It gives them a sense of belonging and a feeling of being socially accepted. Wearing a uniform is a badge of pride, and creates an identity for a school. Wearing a school uniform says we’re all in this together. One study found that 83% of school officials believed that uniforms improved the school’s image in the community. If the school has a uniform, it is perceived as being more upstanding, unified, and disciplined. We want to build good reputations in the communities of EACH school!

School uniforms encourage kids to STAY in school. Attendance can actually DOUBLE when shool uniforms are used, and lowers girls’ AND boys’ dropout rates.

School uniforms prevent early pregnancy in girls. Studies show that teen pregnancy was reduced by 67% in girls who attend schools with uniforms! Early pregnancy can also lead to early marriage and prematurely dropping out of school.

Choose YOUR favorite school uniform! 

Do you follow Schools For Africa on Facebook? You can go there to vote on YOUR favorite school uniform! 

Follow Schools For Africa, and VOTE on Facebook!

Do you follow Missionary Phyllis Sortor on Facebook? If you want to see what she's up to in Nigeria, THIS is the best place! She often posts about her adventures!

ADD Phyllis as a friend on FB!

Seeking Monthly Givers!

We have a big goal. 

We need to increase monthly giving by $6,000/mth to cover the 8 new schools we took on in June!

We receive many BIG financial gifts throughout the year, which enable us to take on new projects - new schools, clinics, and grazing reserves! Praise GOD!

**Recurring monthly gifts help us to rely on a secure monthly income, so that we KNOW that we can cover our expenses, 

before we move on to more projects.



**God is MOVING! He is meeting our needs!**

NEW monthly donations total $1,819/monthly

since June! WOOP WOOP!

THANK YOU Cheryl for your NEW monthly gifts!

It's a BIG goal, we know. 

BUT we serve a BIGGER God. How can we set a small goal when we serve a BIG God?

Give monthly to sustain what the Lord is doing for His beloved people in Nigeria!

Give $35 monthlyDOUBLED!

Give $50 monthlyDOUBLED!

Give $100 monthlyDOUBLED!

Give $125 monthlyDOUBLED!

Give $150 monthlyDOUBLED!


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for an airplane, to get Phyllis and our team throughout Nigeria quickly and safely.

  • Pray for Bishop Matt Whitehead and our team as they drive to annual conferences.

  • Pray for the sweet children and families in our schools and grazing reserves , that they would come to Jesus.

Sign up to stay in touch!

Clear Blue Global Water Project

Today we celebrate our friends and partners at Clear Blue Global Water Project! Phyllis first met founder Brenda Mason Young years ago, when she was first was asked by the Nigerian Federal Minister of Agriculture to manage three grazing reserves in Nigeria! Brenda's brother, Pastor Dwight Mason, has been supporting our school in the Ero Mountain Reserve for quite some time. Clear Blue has funded at least 20 boreholes and pumps for first ICCM projects in Nigeria, then SFA projects, in more recent years. They are providing clean, easily accessible water for thousands of children, families, and cattle. They've also supported the repair and building of several dams in Niger and Kaduna States. They are amazing friends and followers of Jesus.

Check out their website HERE!

2022 Clear Blue Day Project

From Clear Blue: This year for Clear Blue Day, we have selected a special project! In Nigeria, our close contact, Phyllis Sortor, is in need of two new boreholes for a large upcoming project this spring. These two boreholes will be in the Imala area - one on a 1,600 acres piece of land given to them for grazing and the second across the Oyo River - both locations with thousands of Fulani residents that do not have clean water. This project is projected to cost in the $16,000-$20,000 range. We began raising funds for this project a couple of months ago for World Water Day, but we did not reach our goal. Will you help us raise enough money to fund this project by July 3rd?

You can click HERE to give now.

How Much Does A Well Cost?

Wells vary greatly in price, based on the availability of qualified drillers, the depth of the well, the kind of well, the location, and several other factors. Clear Blue gets a price quote from every well before it is sponsored. Here are some samples of average costs:

Malawi - $8000

Uganda - $9500

Haiti - $5000

Myanmar - $4800

Nigeria - $9000

Clear Blue has had wells cost as much as $17,000 in difficult areas, where problems occurred. A hand-dug well in Vietnam cost as low as $450!

What does it mean to have clean water?

One out of every three people worldwide is still unable to access clean water. One human being dies from dirty water every ten seconds. That means by the time you finish reading this article, 20 people — mostly children — will have lost their lives from waterborne illnesses. These are lives that would be saved if they had access to clean water. Clean water prevents not only deaths but also severe illnesses that cause painful cramping, diarrhea, vomiting, fevers, and other symptoms. Dirty, unsafe water that’s laden with feces and bacteria leads to waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, Escherichia coli, and salmonella.

Which glass of water would YOU like to drink?

Seeking Monthly Givers!

We have a big goal. 

We need to increase monthly giving by $6,000/mth to cover the 8 new schools we took on in June!

We receive many BIG financial gifts throughout the year, which enable us to take on new projects - new schools, clinics, and grazing reserves! Praise GOD!

**Recurring monthly gifts help us to rely on a secure monthly income, so that we KNOW that we can cover our expenses, 

before we move on to more projects.



**God is MOVING! He is meeting our needs!**

NEW monthly donations total $1,779/monthly

since June! WOOP WOOP!

THANK YOU Kathy and Christopher for your NEW monthly gifts!

It's a BIG goal, we know. 

BUT we serve a BIGGER God. How can we set a small goal when we serve a BIG God?

Give monthly to sustain what the Lord is doing for His beloved people in Nigeria!

Give $35 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $50 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $100 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $125 monthlyDOUBLED

Give $150 monthlyDOUBLED


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for the dangerous travel that our Nigeria team endures - impossible without God's protection!

  • Pray for Clear Blue Global, for their impact around the globe, and specifically in Nigeria!

  • Pray for Dr. Ron Rice, SFA board member, in Nigeria this month to distribute wheelchairs with his NGO, Wheelchairs For Nigeria.

Sign up to stay in touch!

The City of Refuge

a place where Muslim converts to Christianity can begin to rebuild their lives...

From the pastors at The City of Refuge:

The moment a Muslim gives their life to Christ, they become an infidel according to Islam. Death or rejection is considered the best way to handle anyone who converts.

Pastor Joseph’s mother was a Muslim convert many years ago. She was received by the church after her father disowned her for the new faith she chose. She held on to her faith, and Pastor Joseph says, “Today I am now a pastor because she stood firm in her faith.”

Musa had cows, and the moment he denounced Islam and converted to Christianity, his family stole all the cows he had as an inheritance, and chased him out of his own house and village. He was persecuted to stay away without food, until we brought him to City of Refuge.

Suleiman was also sent out of his village. His mother loved him dearly as her only son, so he was sent out, but not killed.

Usman faced a great challenge when he coverted to Christianity. He was cut severely, and in his pools of blood he was left half dead. A Christian brother took him to the hospital for treatment. God intervened, and after many days in the hospital, he recovered and was brought to the city of Refuge.

Ahmodu gave his life to Christ, and had to run away from his State. We accepted him at the City of Refuge. He continued there for some months, until one day he was threatened by some Muslims to change His religion. His faith was not strong enough to face the challenges and pressure, and he later went back to Islam. 

Please pray for these brothers! 

Pictured are Pastor Abednego, Missionary Emmanuel, Pastor Joseph, and Pastor Abdullahi. They call Pastor Abdullahi BABA FULANIS, because of his work with the Fulani there.

The City of Refuge has seven rooms to house new converts, next to the church. Converts often lose their job, wife and family, cattle, EVERYTHING! They begin to put their lives back together here. Discipleship classes build up their faith in Christ. Converts are trained in new jobs such as welding, shoe making, and tailoring.

The New Hebron Free Methodist Church has 62 members. Their sign outside the church says “Where we love God, love people, and make them disciples of Christ!” They have Bible Study Tuesday night, Prayer Meeting Thursday night, Evangelism on Saturday, and then a Sunday morning service! Oh man, if you haven’t seen worship in a Nigerian church, it is NOTHING like ours! They are LOUD, and filled with the Spirit, and FULL of JOY!

The Apiawe Primary School started very small, with only around 50 kids. Pastor Joseph and Pastor Abednego oversee this school. Through their visits with parents in the local communities, the pastors have enrolled a total of 230 new Fulani children this past year! This brought the need for a secondary school, as children progress through grades!

The Apiawoyi Secondary School is being finished this month! More teachers will be hired, and more children will be enrolled. School growth also brings church growth, as the pastors and teachers minister to the community. 

God continues to BLESS this community at The City of Refuge.

Bowman's Creek NEW LIFE Clinic is being built this month as well! This is the foundation of a clinic the community desperately needs and tried to build, but stopped for lack of resources. Phyllis talked to the Apiawoyi Chief, asking if he'd like us to continue our partnership there, with the successful completion of a clinic! He is over the moon!!

What does it mean to have a healthcare clinic nearby?

It is SUCH a huge blessing to the community! Nigeria has terrible health care, really non-existent, but they ARE working on it. And while they work on it, it shows great MERCY and LOVE to build our own healthcare clinics there! This is a desperate need among our people. We could share story after story of lives saved, terrible skin diseases cured, life-threatening infections cured with antibiotics, malaria treated with medicine! Our beloved people receive the care they need, from clinics that we’ve built. Most Nigerians are not used to modern medicine - in fact, they rely on witch doctors and voodoo! SO, in addition to hiring trained nurses to staff our healthcare clinics, we train Community Health Care Workers - or CHEWs- to bridge the gap between our modern clinics and shy tribal people. We will build the clinic with a waiting room, patient rooms with beds, and a locked storage room. The building will be simple, but will be stocked with life-saving medicines to be administered by trained professionals.

Pastor Joseph reports that their current prayer requests are for their congregation to have a better prayer life, and for more souls to join the kingdom. He prays for financial help to reach the unreached with a sound system, a bus, and for two of the churches in his conference who don’t have a building yet.

He said, “We give thanks to God because He's in control.”

Two SFA board members recently traveled to The City of Refuge to do some pastoral training. They trained specifically in reaching the Fulani for Christ. They are collaborating with Nigerian locals to build a coalition of trainers. The participants went by twos to visit homes and shops throughout the neighborhoods and village. Several confessed Christ as Savior, and at least one backslider got right with God! More than a half dozen community folks came the next day to our training to find out what was going on that made these people so excited and vibrant about Jesus! They stayed most of the day because the participants loved on them and affirmed them so genuinely. This was God's doing!!

The dozen or so Fulani believers among us cheered and could hardly believe their ears when they heard a trainer speak in their mother tongue, Fulfulde! He affirmed and highly respected their preciousness in the eyes of God and taught all of us how to treasure these unique and beautiful people. You see, Fulani are despised people. Virtually nobody can be bothered to learn their language or culture. 

WOW. God, I have to stop right now and BLESS YOUR NAME for the work You are doing at The City of Refuge! You care for Your beloveds more than we can! You reveal Yourself to converts, provide for them, and make a way for them. THANK YOU for the healthy and thriving church at New Hebron! Thank you for the pastors, who care so much for their community! Thank you for the children who attend our schools, and for their families! May them come to know You through our efforts! Thank you for the people at Bowman's Creek FMC, who donated $15,000 to build a healthcare clinic! May they tangibly feel Your blessing for their generous gift. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!

Seeking monthly givers!

We have a big goal. 

We need to increase monthly giving by $6,000/mth to cover the 8 new schools we took on in June!

NEW monthly donations total  $1,500/monthly since June! WOOP WOOP!

We receive many BIG financial gifts throughout the year, which enable us to take on new projects - new schools, clinics, and grazing reserves! Praise GOD!

**Recurring monthly gifts help us to rely on a secure monthly income, so that we KNOW that we can cover our expenses, 

before we move on to more projects.



God is MOVING! He is meeting our needs!

THANK YOU Dwight, Virgil, Richard, Craig, Bethany, Jerry, Judy, Anonymous - $500/mth!

for your monthly gifts! WOOP WOOP!!

It's a BIG goal, we know. BUT we serve a BIGGER God.

How can we set a small goal when we serve a BIG God?

$24,000 Matching Challenge!

This means that your NEW recurring monthly gift is DOUBLED through the end of the year!

Give monthly to sustain what the Lord is doing for His beloved people in Nigeria!

Give $35 monthly DOUBLED

Give $50 monthly DOUBLED

Give $100 monthly DOUBLED

Give $125 monthly DOUBLED

Give $150 monthly DOUBLED


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for the many projects we have in the works right now, for wisdom, and for God's glory.

  • Pray for the safety of our team as we move about the country of Nigeria, doing God's work!

  • Pray as we visit the six former ICCM schools, and buy and distribute school supplies as far away as the Mambila plateau! Crazy evangelism opportunities!

  • Pray for The City of Refuge, and for MORE converts!

The Jesus Bridge, repaired!

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matt 11:28

The Jesus Bridge, repaired! 

In 2016, there was a new bridge built, in partnership with a church in San Jose, CA, DEEP in the palmetto jungles of southern Nigeria. The bridge spanned over 300 feet of water and impenetrable swamp. It is a bridge from today's world to an ancient, primitive place where homes are of rushes and mud, men wear wrap-arounds, and children run naked and free. The village knew only fishing, hand-carved canoes, nets, hooks, bait and racks of smoking fish. 

Then, for the first time, there was a bridge connecting Esuk Ekong fishing village to the mainland. It is the Jesus Bridge. 

The bridge brought income opportunities to families, education to many children, and a strong connection to a local church.

After many years of regular use, the bridge fell into a state of disrepair

Funds were raised to repair the bridge, and PRAISE GOD, the Schools For Africa team will complete the work! We will work on this bridge in September, to ensure safe crossing for our school kids and their families. Signs designating the Jesus Bridge point the way to Christ!

Pictured at the bridge are David and Lavone Kendall

Check out the video from the 2016 team that built the bridge!


Phyllis Sortor once said, "Why would we not do good, if it's within our ability to do so? YOU have the opportunity to impact a community for GREAT good, by giving funds that can help repair a bridge, or support a school, or build a healthcare clinic."

Seeking monthly givers!

We have a big goal. 

We need to increase monthly giving by $6,000/mth to cover the 8 new schools we took on in June!

We receive many BIG financial gifts throughout the year, which enable us to take on new projects - new schools, clinics, and grazing reserves! Praise GOD!

**Recurring monthly gifts help us to rely on a secure monthly income, so that we KNOW that we can cover our expenses, 

before we move on to more projects.



THANK YOU Wesley, Clare, Jennifer, and Peter for your monthly gifts! WOOP WOOP!!

It's a BIG goal, we know. BUT we serve a BIGGER God.

How can we set a small goal when we serve a BIG God?

$24,000 Matching Challenge!

This means that your NEW recurring monthly gift is DOUBLED through the end of the year!

Give monthly to sustain what the Lord is doing for His beloved people in Nigeria!

Give $35 monthly DOUBLED

Give $50 monthly DOUBLED

Give $100 monthly DOUBLED

Give $125 monthly DOUBLED

Give $150 monthly DOUBLED


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for our friends in Kogi State, as the unrest in that area continues.

  • Pray for the many projects we have in the works right now, for wisdom, for God's glory.

  • Pray for the safety of our team as we move about the country of Nigeria, doing God's work!